compensador aluminizado con terminales metálicos

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    Circular, square and rectangular textile sleeves

    The compensating sleeves are resistant to high temperatures.
    We can manufacture all types of connections, with dimensions according to your needs and without tooling costs.
    The compensating sleeves are made of technical fabrics and with metal fixations.

    Textile gaskets are built with one or more layers of fabric, resistant to high temperatures, corrosion and / or abrasion, depending on the material we use.

    They are used to limit vibrations, noise, absorb movements, deflections, expansions and dilations. For the passage of various fluids, hot air, steam, smoke extraction.

    We can manufacture all types of connections, with dimensions according to your needs and without tooling costs.

    Características manguitos

    • Square or rectangular shape.
    • Circular, cylindrical.
    • Conical.
    • Pyramidal

    Terminals with flange of the same fabric or metal or with sleeve for clamp.